Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A SaSsY MoUtH and LOTS of NaUsEa...oh, and a little complaining

No pics this week....I'm a slacker mom this week. Get your own drink, wipe your own butt....that sort of mom. Pregnancy has hit me....full force. And it can hit at any moment, round the clock. Not so with Jackson and Charlie's pregnancies. I could pin it down to the minute.....4 O'clock in the afternoon everyday. At least I knew when it was going to happen. This one is different, and I don't like it. I have to force feed myself 5 small meals a day to keep the nausea at bay. NOTHING sounds good or smells good for that matter. I actually lost 2 pounds (that wasn't a complaint) when I went to the doctor last week. I am 11 weeks along...hoping this sickness stuff passes by week 13...we'll see!

Jackson loves school, and so do I. However, I don't love his sassy mouth. It's become somewhat of a challenge for James and me the last couple of weeks. For example:
Me: "Jackson pick up your toys before bed please."
Jackson: "Whatever mom!" (with a big exaggerated gasp)

Whatever? I'd like to smack him in the mouth...where on Earth did he get that? And he's seemed to have lost his manners...Where did they go? Who took them? Most things now are a demand and us parents have had it. James belts out, "You don't talk to your mother that way!" Yeah, you tell him. As James walks around snapping his leather belt trying to scare his child. Nice touch James..(no he doesn't spank him with his belt). It's James' scare tactic...whatever (ha)

Speaking of scary stuff, my husband is trying to learn spanish. Yes, my southern drawl speaking sweet husband. And it's all I can do to keep a straight face when he's walking around with his spanish/english translator gadget he just bought, reciting phrases. He told the boys good night last night in spanish. Of course, I'm right behind him correcting his pronunciations...it's so cute and a good laugh for me. He doesn't know how to roll his "r's" but he's trying and I do hope he sticks with it. I took 6 years of French in school and wish I would have taken spanish. I learned some basics when I went to Honduras a couple of times and Dora and Diego help too :)

So if you have any suggestions on putting a stop to a sassy 3 year old's mouth...I'm all ears!

Charlie isn't walking yet. He SO could he just chooses not to. He's starting to rebel against baby food and I'm not ready for him to yet. He has 8 teeth and likes to show them all to you when he flashes his cheesy grin face. He's so happy and full of energy and flirts with anyone who will look at him in public! He likes to ruffle his big brother's feathers any chance he gets (and he's very good at it). He's the best sleeper/napper baby in the whole wide world. I hope Gilmore #3 will take after him in that department! He says "momma" and "dadda" and "nana" (for banana). If you ask him how old he is he will put his pointer finger in the air to show you. He gives "high fives" and likes to turn over Champ's water bowl every chance I'm not looking.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. . .advice on dealing with a sassy mouth 3 year old - time. It is a sign of stepping closer to independence but you can't let him speak bad to you. Maybe explain to him how it makes you feel when he talks that way(in terms a 3 yr. old would understand of course). And what do you mean Nana stands for banana? He's telling you he misses his Nana! Love you all! Nana

Laura said...

I am SOOO sorry that you are so sick. I've been there, it's horrible. I hope that it goes away soon for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nana for Nana?!? No way, he is obviously expressing his enthusiasm for his aunt LANA :)