Sunday, May 3, 2009

Yet Another Triathlon...

Ya'll are probably sick of these here "triathlon" posts. And get this, there's not even one single picture of my children in this post! (Gasp!)

Grandmothers: Don't leave me any nasty comments either :)

This is the Annual Crawfishman Triathlon that James does every year. It's only a 20 minute drive from our house and very convenient.

The reason for no pics of the boys is because they discovered the massive sand box and there was no turning back.

Transition area....aka "lots 'o bikes"

Once again, I can brag about my husband because he beat his time last year by TEN MINUTES!
Me so proud :)

This picture just cracks me up.
Let me rephrase that.
His hair cracks me up.
It looks like the little swirly thing on the top of an ice cream cone!
He would kill me if he knew I said that.
He hates his, er, receding hairline?
I love you honey! and your balding....I mean, receding hairline :)

Taking off on his bike.....16 miles later....

And he's back!

He never looks at me when I'm taking his picture.
I wonder why? I mean, come on, one "cheese" never hurt anybody.

Rehydrating for a four mile jog.....

....and he was crossing the finishline before I could brush all the sand off my church bound children.
We were late for church.
But only by 15 minutes.

Notice the 6 inch gap between me and my sweaty husband. I wanted no part of that on me...I was church bound too ya know. And yes, I wore shorts to church. God doesn't care what you wear as long as you're there, right? And yes, I love my husband, just not his stinky sweat.

"I turned my cheek" He was sopping wet. Yuck.

The annual pic of James, Tad and Micah. Had to snap it and run to the car. We were late for church remember?
Oh and spot clean my children before we walked into church.
Don't worry, I went through a whole container of wet wipes to get them sparkly clean.
We sat in the back row...stinkin' up the place, I'm sure of it.
Fun Sunday morning! We all napped that afternoon. It was divine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmmm.. .guess I'm not aloud to say anything. Just very proud of you James. Love, Nonna