Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Fever 2008

Jackson's got Olympic fever. We watch it every night. Guess which sport is his favorite?? He was "swimming" here and racing the people on the tv. It was so funny to watch. His second fav was beach volleyball...He went and found his big bouncy ball and him and Daddy "played" volleyball in the living room. Jackson could even tell you where the imaginary net was!

I don't know why this was the cutest thing to me yesterday. I found Jackson on the stairs with his "head flashlight" on and him putting bee stickers all over himself. He didn't pay much attention to me...until I whipped the camera out.

Focusing on getting all of the stickers off the page and onto his body...

I asked for a smile....and I got one, but he was too busy to look at the camera. Couldn't take his eyes off of those bee stickers!

I'm not sure how this picture got started. I walk around the corner and here in front of me stands the Gilmore human totem pole. They were looking at themselves in front of the big mirror over the mantle...and laughing hysterically. (no, my husband can rarely be found WEARING a shirt. Sorry!)

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hey Jess, Love reading your blog!!! The boys are adorable and really no need to apologize for James...we don;t mind.... wink! (if that is not to creepy coming from me)