Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the great muppet caper

Flashback 1981....granted I was only one year old....but I know you remember the muppets. Remember the movie, "The Great Muppet Caper", where the muppets are in London and they all go on that bike ride in the sun and sing a song?? That was the Gilmore's on Sunday afternoon. Ha. James was on his bike, I on mine, with Jackson, and Lana strolling Charlie behind us. Lana pipes up from the back and starts laughing saying, "We look like the Muppets...in that movie where they all go for a bike ride." It was so funny, because it was so true. Ok, guess you had to be there....but it was pretty funny. I'm still trying to remember how that song went that they sang...guess I'll have to watch the movie.

Suited up and ready to r.i.d.e.

Auntie Lana is with us this week...and we couldn't be happier!

Here we are on my bike...I was a little wobbly starting out. Like, I had a few close encounters with mailboxes...I think I was the one that needed a helmet!

Charlie certainly enjoyed himself! I don't think they make helmets his size...but we were extra careful with him.

Daddy and Charlie biking....just imagine us all coming down the street...I'm telling you, we were the muppets

Jackson had to show the camera his dirty foot. Funny how he finds EVERY mudpuddle in a 1 mile radius and STOMPS in it....it must be pre-programmed in little boys.

I am blocking the view of Diego on tv. No one wanted to look at me.

I'll give you one guess who these chubby thighs belong to! Aren't they soo cute??!
Charlie's loving his rice cereal now...afterwards I'll give him a bottle with some water in it and he'll chew on it. I guess it feels good on his "teeth"
So I've cutted out Charlie's nighttime feedings....He's still not too thrilled about it, but like all things, he'll get used to it. It was SO time to do it. He was waking every 2-3 hours just to nurse. He's not a newborn anymore and I know he can make it through the night without me...he's proved it to me before when he was like 3 months old and sleeping through the night....oh I miss those days! But I'm working on getting them back. James slept on the couch last night...he was sick of hearing him crying. I felt SO bad letting him cry....but I have to do it if I want him to learn to fall back asleep on his own without my boob! And it didn't last that long...i hope tonight is better!
I really don't know what to say for this picture. He cracks us up. This morning he went to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) with Lana and Stephanie. He has a class for his age group while the ladies meet in their groups. Lana went to get him afterwards and he was sitting outside of his classroom in the hallway with his teacher. Inside they were having "quiet time" and mr. Jackson didn't want to participate....so he was moved into the hallway. Nice Jackson, way to follow the rules. He also told his teacher that he has a brown HORSE at home named UNCLE TIM! hahaha. Of course this was funny because we have never heard of such a thing....now he does have an Uncle Tim....but his imagination is seriously taking off! (or he's just going to be a really good liar)

1 comment:

melanie said...

I love the Muppets! Hilarious. And we are letting Isaac cry AGAIN. We sometimes have to do it after we travel. So I am hoping tonight is better too. He is pretty much weaned. So sad. But he does not mind it at all. And I am going to be glad to wear smaller shirts. I do feel a little bad for Dan though...back to "kiwi's in socks" again. :(

