Monday, February 4, 2008

my almost 3 year old...

  • I braved Wal-Mart with the kids today for some grocery shopping. Jackson said he had to go potty. I knew this was coming, and I was terrified. I came prepared with a mini can of lysol, antibacterial wipes, and antibacterial hand gel. I park the cart and we go in. I "prepare" the toilet seat (because my almost 3 year old prefers to sit) and he sits...and says he "doesn't have to go." I am frustrated and annoyed...whatever, we continue our shopping. Ten minutes later he says he has to go potty. Luck has it, we're at the FRONT of the store and the potty is at the BACK of the store. So we race to the back of the store and repeat the above and the same thing happens. Gun shy. I am ready to start yelling, but keep my cool....he really wants to test my patience today and he pees in his pants at the checkout. NOW I know why I go to the grocery store ALONE!!!!!!

  • He told me he had a "scratch". I said, "where?" Bad idea Jess. He proceeds to pull his pants down and show me where the "scratch" is. We'll just say a "private place." I tried not to break out into laughter and kept a straight face. I said I couldn't kiss his booboo and quickly changed the subject. He said to me, "Come on mommy, just kiss it, just kiss it for me!" I ran.

  • He has started telling me to be nice when I am getting on to him for doing something he shouldn't be doing. "Can you just be NICE mommy?" he says. Kinda makes me feel bad...

  • When Jackson is throwing one of his fits, Charlie finds it funny. I mean, Charlie will laugh out loud and this will further fuel Jackson's tantrum. Sometimes I secretly think to myself, "keep laughing Charlie." I know this sounds messed up....but sometimes laughter is just what you need in those situations!
  • I am so over my almost three year old's finicky eating habits. How do I change this and is this something I created? Is it my fault???

    1. We went to a Mardi Gras parade Friday night with the kids. It was lots of fun. Beau and his friends had a trailer set up with heaters and a grill and we had a great time! James caught the best beads and Jackson was thrown every kind of stuffed animal ever created. Funny, they never made it home with us.....(insert evil laughter).....sorry, one thing I can't stand are stuffed animals or stuffed anythings. They are a dust magnet and kids don't even play with them.

      We went for a walk today because it was 80 degrees outside. It was a great walk and I've been trying to do it everyday that the weather is nice. I need some form of exercise and the kids love it. Then we colored on the driveway with chalk. I drew a hopscotch game and showed Jackson how to play. If you've never seen an almost three year old try should. It's good entertainment, and the passersby probably got a kick out of it too!

      Charlie bundled up and ready for the parade!

      Time to raise the crib bars!

      1 comment:

      melanie said...

      those stories are SOOOO my life! oh my gosh! You crack me up. Sometimes when I am super lazy I stick Daisy in a pull up "just in case." :) And I loved the "insert evil laughter" and amen on the stuffed animals. Daisy has some she likes...but not many.

      and Charlie looks like the movie A Christmas Story. So cute and bundled up!
