Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Birthday and Picnic

Monday was Jackson's actual birthday so he got TWO birthday cakes. This one was store bought and really little. But it certainly served its purpose.

Making a wish...

Just checking to see if ya'll were paying attention. This picture should do it. Charlie found Jackson's old bike helmet that doesn't fit anymore and sported it all afternoon. He'd actually freak out if it came off. I let him run and be crazy. It's not like he'd get hurt... ("have you seen my baseball??")...sorry, I had to do it.

Today Jackson had a family picnic at school. We packed our lunches and met him at noon. It was super sunny and bright out.

Charlie looking white as ever. (and I forgot the sunscreen too. Bad Mommy)

Jackson stole James' sunglasses. He also didn't want to pose with Nonna so this is as good as I could get.

But he'd certainly pose with his most favorite person on the planet....his Daddy.

Stella cat drinking water the only way she knows how. Out of the faucet. Happy Hump Day :)


melanie said...

Jess, the diego cake was awesome. I am super impressed with you and Lana. but you 2 are crafty. another reason we should live we can do that stuff together. :) you think your area needs an orthodontist...cause we're looking. :)

tell you mom I said hi!

Anonymous said...

I just love looking at these pics! I miss you all so much already but the pic of Charlie in the helmet makes me laugh. Way to go Charlie!!! Love, Nonna

Chelsea Drew said...

I am absolutely cracking up at the picture of Charlie with the helmet. That is sooooo him! Can't wait to see you soon!