Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cheap Thrills

I took the boys to the pool today for the first time since Jackson's surgery. We stayed an extra long time because everyone was having an extra lot of fun....

A little boy had some boats that Jackson was eyeing up....the little boy's mother told me she bought them at the dollar store. Jackson asked me extra nicely if he could get some boats like that.

Since it was the dollar store and, uh, they only cost a dollar..I said "yes".

They didn't have the exact same boats that the little boy at the pool had, but according to Jackson, these were "way better".

These boats were battery operated!

And these two litte boys spent the ENTIRE afternoon, (after Charlie's nap), racing their boats around the big bathtub.

They were yelling and clapping and cheering for their boat to win.

Jackson kept asking me if he could take his bath "right now".
It was the best $2 I think I've ever spent on cheap toys. And no, they aren't broken yet!
They really do love each other :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the butt shot! They reallly do love each other, you just scratch your head sometimes. Love, Nonna
p.s. wish I could come but no flying for Nonna till Sept. boohoo