Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Last Day of School 2012

This school year has FLOWN by.
Where did it go?
Jackson on his first day of First Grade....
Aug 2011
Charlie on his first day of Preschool.
Aug 2011 

This is Jackson this morning.
Last day of First Grade.
He grew many inches.
Needs a haircut..
Wears his backpack the "cool" way... 
Charlie this morning getting ready to go to his last day of Preschool!
He has grown the most.
I mean, look at the above pic compared to this one!
I wish I knew how to put pics side by side...
He is super excited about Kindergarten and riding the bus with Jackson in the morning and going to Jackson's school.

He keeps asking, "When is it going to be August?" 
Next Question:
What am I going to do with these two goobers for a whole summer?

Considering I was preggers with the lady last summer and we didn't do much of ANYTHING...
I'm hoping to be going and doing much more.
ice cream trips :)

we'll see what the summer brings! 
My three kiddos :)

I don't know what I'm going to do with myself once the lady starts school.
That time can creep very very slowly ::)

Happy Summer!!

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