Tuesday, November 6, 2007

odds and ends

Charlie napping in his swing. If I'm lucky he'll nap in there and I can make dinner at the same time. Sometimes it works out for me and sometimes it doesn't...Now does this look like a two month old to you?
Jackson and I have been busy this past week potty training! Here he's showing the camera his big boy underwear. I love his little bum in them! It's so cute! We haven't ventured beyond the house with the underwear. I'm too scared he'll pee in the car seat and that would just undo me. So we use pull ups for the trips away from home and for schoool. We've had three accidents in the past week. Not too bad...but I don't know how to handle him when he does have an accident...What do the experts say???
This was bathtime last night and it's my FAVORITE picture of Charlie so far. He's changing so much, and that smile puts a smile on my face even on the tough days. He went for his two month checkup and weighed 15 pounds! 5 more pounds and he'll be out of his baby car seat...that's crazy!
We're going to have to work on that double chin!

Things have been pretty uneventful around here (besides the potty training) so I feel like I don't have much to say. Guess I'm not in the talkative mood. And Charlie just started crying so I'll just leave you with the pics.


melanie said...

Jess! he is so cute...the smiles come just in time dont they? just before you go NUTS! :)

And I did the same thing with Daisy and the pull ups on outings. hey, we have new babies. we can do what we want. :) And she did great. And would still tell me if she needed to go. I couldn't have dealt with the carseat mess either...esp since I have to use the laundry mat. Ugh. and I totally agree with the little bottoms in the "Big Girl/boy Panties/undies"...they are so cute!

It is so funny how similar our lives are...wish we lived closer.


Anonymous said...


I'll give you hope... Aviendha was 18 lbs. at her 2 mo. appt. The doctor said there was nothing wrong and just chuckled about it. She's just a big girl. I can't seem to grow them any other way! Charlie & Jackson are just adorable. I can see you and Lana in your favorite pic of Charlie.
As for the training, you're right on track, if you ask me. It's hard enough to go out with 2 little kids, much less deal with accidents. Once we finally took the plunge for underwear on outings, I would have Ethan try to go to the bathroon before we went out to try to aviod having to do the public bathroom thing. And, I just had to bring a change of clothes and a plastic bag in the diaper bag for when the accidents would happen. And, thankfully, the fabric part of the carseats are washable! Good luck!!
