I can't help it....he's sooooo cute!!! And he's got my blue eyes!
I was trying to make dinner and make sure Jackson didn't try to pick up Charlie and make sure Jackson didn't fall off the counter (like he did the night before)...
Seriously, the kid can't even read yet. He got this from his father. I believe he's reading my SELF magazine. Question: why does it take guys so much longer to "go" than girls in the bathroom? Even 2 year olds! I can fold an entire load of laundry AND unload the dishwasher before that kid is done going #2!! Hey Jackson, could you please go to the bathroom so I can put your brother down for his nap??
We were making dinner last night and Jackson said "butta is betta" (we were putting butter in the broccoli) and I laughed so hard.We play the guessing game now..."Jackson, guess who's coming to see you today?" His first response is always Lana. Then he'll say Nana, and when I say no, he'll say "we go on airpwane?? to airport?" The kid loves airplanes. He will make believe there are airplanes flying in the house and say "Mommy, look! Look at that airpwane way up up in de sky!!" Of course there's no airplanes in my house, but sometimes I do do a doubletake....
Jackson bit the inside of his mouth (when he fell off the counter the other night). So now he's got this sore in his mouth that ketchup, salt, etc. sting when he eats. He was screaming cause something he ate was burning it and he asked for a bandaid. I tried to explain to him that a bandaid doesn't go in his mouth. He didn't understand me and continued to harass me for a bandaid...so I gave him one. Yeah, hope that works out for you kiddo...
Charlie's probably thinking, "Mom, seriously, I thought you loved me. I'm really feeling a little nervous. Put me back in YOUR arms!!" Jackson is thinking, "ok, hmmm, why won't that stinkin bandaid stick in my mouth???"